Here is two of my favorite wags park members, Bubba and Moose. I actually have taken photos of one of Moose's mommy's, Claire, and her pony Cezanne, hope I spelled that right. Well her photo is hanging up in the cute little store in Newtown, OH called Details, so you should stop in and check that out, and all the goodys in the store as well. My personal faviorite is their giant black frames, I still need to add one to my collection.

Here is Moose. Isnt he the cutest little Rotty you have ever seen?

Look, Moose found a leaf. He is confused why the leafs are falling off the trees.

Bubba and his squeeky toy. I think this is the only time I have ever seen Bubba play.

You can't tell me this is not cute.

Clair and Moose...aww